Wednesday, April 15, 2009

chernobyl revisiting... Recalling the memories of a lost village

First of all i would like to thank our guide, Yuri. He worked in the zone for more than 8 years. i doubt there's many people who know the zone as well as he does. The tour started with him by giving an introduction to the zone

The above picture shows the full view of Chernobyl reactor 4, which burst and caused a drastic loss of human lives and belongings. This accident occurred on 26 April 1986 and the city was evacuated.

The village was completely destroyed and buried to reduce the deadly radiation. The Geiger counter here doesn't show high radiation. he says it was buried out of the soviets desire to cover up the accident more than anything else. Ironically, the name of the village translated to English is called 'diggers'.

Walking for a few distance from the above point we get the first view of the reactor.

The sign for the 'diggers' village

This bridge is called the "Bridge of Death". so called because at the time of explosion, people gathered on this bridge to enjoy the beautiful rainbow colored flames of the burning graphite nuclear core. those poor people were exposed to radioactive levels of 500 roentgens, a fatal dose.

After this accident the village is still empty and government asks the people to no to enter into the village because they may catch up the radiation which will affect them severely.

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